Tuesday, 23 June 2009

Can't wait to begin

Well as you can see I have completed compiling my list for my 30/30 challenge. I'm looking forward to starting but have a week to wait before I do. A big reason for why I'm doing this challenge is because a friend of mine is doing 101 things in 1001 days. I've done a few of the things on her list with her and it's inspired me to come up with my own list. I didn't think I'd be able to come up with 101 things or that I would be able to do that many in that time so thought that as my 30th is only just two years away I would do the 30 things. I've enjoyed coming up with the tasks and the first 20 came to me really easily.

I have just made a spreadsheet so that I can easily keep an eye on my progress and what I need to do each month. I'm sure that without it I'd forget one of the monthly tasks half way through and I'd be gutted!! Ok so maybe I'm just a bit of a sad case and love any excuse to do a spreadsheet!

I have just discovered that Film 4 are showing one of the Channel 4's 50 films to watch before you die films each Tues at 11pm. I have just turned the channel over so that I don't see one too early (don't fancy having to re-watch it!).

I will take photos for the tasks that have something to take a photo of and upload those to make it more interesting as well as adding any relevant links etc.

So I guess that's it for a week. A good way for me to learn to be patient!


  1. Welcome to the challenge clan and I look forward to seeing your progress :-)

  2. Hey hon, really pleased about your list and can't wait for you to get started. I know you will find it loads of fun and i suppose technically you are achieiving more as you are helping me with loads on my list.

  3. Thanks guys for your comments. Tempewytch thank you for your welcome. I shall pop over to your blog and see how your challenge is getting on!
