As the plane was so late we got to lanzarote in the middle of the night so didn't see anything of it until we got up the next day. And Lo and Behold it was chucking it down with rain! In fact it continued raining for all of that day and through the morning the next day! It did brighten up though and for the rest of the week it was very hot at about 25 degrees. Having left England in the snow it was glorious to be in the warmth! We spent Christmas on the beach and opened our presents on the balcony. My friend got me a book called Wreck this Journal. I am very anal over my books and hate even breaking the spines of a page getting bent! The point of this book is to completely trash it by doing things such as breaking the spine and scribbling in it and so on! I had fun doing that!
While in Lanzarote we went to Timanfaya which is where the volcano erupted for 6 years. It was amazing and it looked like a completely different planet. Supposedly a lot of the films which are set on the moon are filmed there because of the landscape. It was fascinating to see the lava flows and molten rock. The land was so hot that just putting some straw on the earth causes it to set fire in just a couple of minutes! I loved looking around and getting a feel of the place. I still can't get my head around the explosion and what it must have been like.
The holiday was really nice and I have come back feeling relaxed and sunned. Finally here's a picture of the view from the road outside our apartment: