Sunday 6 December 2009

A Weekend of Time Travel

Ok so no I haven't actually been time travelling but wow that would be fun... Maybe I should add that to my to 30 and beyond list of things to do!

I have watched a couple of films from the 50 films to see list this weekend. Having not watched any for ages I thought I should catch up with them. I was babysitting last night so took the opportunity to get comfy in front of the settee with a big slab of chocolate and watch Back to the Future - hence the time travel! I have seen this film a huge amount of times but I can't remember the last time I watched it all the way through from the beginning to the end. It's a film that is always on and so I'll just dip in and out of it when I come across it on telly. It was a good opportunity to watch it from the beginning last night and actually remember the sequence of events in the correct order! The people I babysit for have everything you could ask for when it comes to an entertainment system. They have blu-ray player, dvd recorder and of course Sky HD. I was going to watch Boyz n the Hood on dvd but I couldn't work out how to get the sound to be the dvd and not sky! I'd managed to get the dvd player working but for some reason I could see the dvd but still hear the sound from the telly - frustrating! So in the end I flicked through sky and found Back to the Future was on Sky Anytime and chose that.

I have spent this morning exactly doing what Sunday mornings were made for - lying in bed! I had some chocolate left from last night so I put Donnie Darko on the dvd player in my room and lay in bed watching that while munching dairy milk. I hadn't seen this film before but it was a good one. It also included a bit of time travel in it so I feel all knowledged up about it now and feel i'm almost ready to start a bit of it myself - thinking i may go back to see some dinosaurs!

1 comment:

  1. I like this task of yours as I am a big movie fan... I might do something similar one day as I have no clue about a lot of the older films.
