Thursday 12 November 2009

Waiting to hear...

Well i had my job interview today for the library assistant post. It was THE shortest interview I have ever had. They asked me just 5 questions and it was over in 15 minutes if not 10. When I was 18 I had a job interview to work in WHSmiths for 4 hours on a Saturday and that interview was a whole day one! When they asked me if I had any questions I was so shocked I was speechless (and trust me that doesn't happen very often!!). I had prepared all these answers to the questions about my strengths and weaknesses and other questions you expect at an interview to find I didn't need them!

Other than the length of it I felt it went fairly well. It did disconcert me a little bit but then my boss said to me that they HAVE to ask every person they interview exactly the same questions so it would only have been the same length for everyone else. I received an email this afternoon saying they hadn't yet made a decision and that I would hear from them next week. This feels quite a long time to me but it's not a straight out and out no so that's one good thing. I will now sit back and try and forget about it and just wait and see. If I don't get it I will ask for feedback so I can use anything useful for future opportunities.

1 comment:

  1. Hi hon, am glad the interview went well and all you can really do is stay positive. Will see you tomorrow to find out more.
